Angu (temporary palace) (行宮)

Angu (also called karimiya) refers to facilities built or used as a temporary palace in situations such as when an emperor pays a visit somewhere, or the imperial palace falls because of a political change and so on. Angu is also called anzaisho, gozasho or tongu.

The first angu appeared in Japanese history when Emperor Jinmu built one in Kibi Province while he was on his journey to conquer the east (eastern expedition of Emperor Jinmu, called Jinmu tosei). This angu is called Takashimanomiya.

Some shrines also have angu.

Angu in Japan

Asuka Kawabe no Karinomiya
Kongo-ji Temple (Kawachinagano City)
Iwashimizu Hachiman-gu Shrine
Ano district
Kanshin-ji Temple
Yoshimizu-jinja Shrine
Mt. Senjo
Tsumura Betsuin Branch Temple
Todorokihimenomikoto-jinja Shrine

and so on.

Angu sets in shrines
Goryo-jinja Shrine Horie Angu (angu in Horie for Goryo-jinja Shrine)
Sumiyoshi-taisha Shrine and Otori-taisha Shrine Shukuin Tongu (resting place or accommodation for the deities enshrined in Sumiyoshi-taisha Shrine and Otori-taisha Shrine while they are travelling) in Otoriise-jinja Shrine
Nanba-jinja Shrine Angu (*it is located in Horie, Nishi Ward, Osaka City)
Ikasuri-jinja Shrine

and so on.

Angu outside Japan

the Qing dynasty

Chengde City
Fengtian Xinggong
Summer Palace
Old Summer Palace

and so on.

[Original Japanese]